Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Variation of Slutty Brownies

Slutty brownies are one of those desserts that you just can't get enough of. Cole and I were sitting around watching movies the other day and decided that we just had to have a pan full of the delectable treat.

So, we made a trip to Giant Eagle. As we stood in the baking aisle, we stared at all the different boxes of cookie mix and took our good old time deciding which to use. We ended up choosing Betty Crocker's Rainbow Cookie Mix after hashing out the possibilities.

We stuck with the original Betty Crocker Triple Chunk Brownie mix because we like the taste of it better than most other brands. As for the Oreos, we decided that we wanted to try the golden ones instead of the regular chocolate ones.

We used the original Slutty Brownies recipe- just with different ingredients.

bottom layer: m&m cookie dough
Mmm.. can I just eat the dough?

middle layer: golden oreos
Cole is a wonderful baking associate! This is his handiwork and photography.

top layer: gooey brownie
Fresh from the oven.

just a little slice of heaven
Are you drooling yet?
What I Think:

These. Were. Spectacular.

Let me just say that I may never make Slutty Brownies with regular Oreos again. 

Okay okay.. I'm fibbing. But the brilliant idea of mixing both types of Oreo into the same pan of brownies hit me as I was reflecting on the recipe, so I will definitely have to try that next time.

Cole's dad praised this variation, saying that the original batch I made was too sweet and this one was perfect.

I'd have to agree with that statement for the most part. I love Golden Oreos, so the different flavor was welcome to my taste buds.

Recipes are meant to be changed and adapted for each chef's preference, so switch it up. Try out some new combinations and let me know how they turn out!

1 comment:

  1. I fear for all the baby heart attacks of your classmates.

    Dr C
